T h e h o m e o f t h e R i d g e f i e l d S p u d d e r s B o o s t e r C l u b
Graduating Class of 2022!
We have ALMOST done it! Our seniors are in the last stretch of their final year and we couldn’t be more proud of them.
Right about now, many of our students are experiencing the stressors of being a senior…whether it be figuring out what colleges they want to go to, figuring out what’s next after high school because college isn’t for them right now, stressing about making grades, or simply figuring out this whole “adulting” thing. (insert deep breath)
One thing is certain…our kids need one last hurrah before it’s time to hang up that cap and gown. One last epic high school memory…and that’s where we come in!
It is our job as the Senior Planning Committee to make sure our students hard work and accomplishments do not go unnoticed. With all that our seniors have persevered through these last 2 years, their resilience deserves to be celebrated…but we cannot do it without your help!
Every year the RHS Senior Class relies on the firework stand to raise funds for their Senior Class Party. As most of you know, firework sales were banned all around Clark County due to the heat wave last July, therefore leaving us without funds for a party this year. With a growing district and the highest enrollment to date, this could not have been more devastating. The City of Ridgefield was very generous in giving us the Farm to Table event last year to offset the cost, but we still have a long way to go. With venue rentals, activities, equipment, food, transportation, gifts, and rising costs there is a lot that goes into planning and funding this event. Our goal is always to raise enough money so that the financial burden does not fall on the families because it is important that every senior has the opportunity to attend. So…this is where you come in!
We have set up an easy way to donate to the Senior Celebration fund. SEE LINKS TO THE RIGHT to complete your donation. Please forward to your friends, family, co-workers, ____ (you fill in the blank). Help us celebrate our Class of 2022!!!!
*If you own a business, or know of one, that would like to be a Corporate Sponsor and make a tax-deductible donation, click on the link to the right or email rhsspudboosters@gmail.com for more information.